Welcome to our blog. Dan & I are hoping to use this method to keep in touch with family and friends while we're away this winter. You'll have to bear with us through the learning process - neither of us have ever done this before. If it works the way we hope it will, we'll keep you updated with our where-abouts and share pictures. We're hoping that you'll use it to keep in contact with us too. The most recent entry will always be at the top of the page, so if you're new here, scroll down to the bottom to start or use the archive list. Our apologies to anyone who found the Travelpod blog only to have it disappear on them, but this site seems easier to use and like I said - we're beginners, so the easier the better.
I love my life! I have a kind and thoughtful husband. Together we have seen a lot of the world and plan to see a lot more. We have a small but comfortable home, a nice garden and the best dog in the world!
I'd love to hear from you, so please leave a comment to let me know you were here.