Welcome to our blog. Dan & I are hoping to use this method to keep in touch with family and friends while we're away this winter. You'll have to bear with us through the learning process - neither of us have ever done this before. If it works the way we hope it will, we'll keep you updated with our where-abouts and share pictures. We're hoping that you'll use it to keep in contact with us too. The most recent entry will always be at the top of the page, so if you're new here, scroll down to the bottom to start or use the archive list. Our apologies to anyone who found the Travelpod blog only to have it disappear on them, but this site seems easier to use and like I said - we're beginners, so the easier the better.

Random photos:

Cheryl Carse's Facebook profile

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Vincent

All of the ingredients for a good Christmas morning: champagne & orange juice, the Christmas "tree" candle (thanks, Connie) and presents (thanks, Wongs). We also had images of Christmas' past on the screen saver. Taz had a ball with the wrapping paper!

Why, yes - that IS bacon on my forehead, thanks for noticing....
Bacon bandaids, Lesley?? Where the Hell do you shop?
The aftermath:

A ½ hour later and she still has bacon on her head and wrapping paper stuck to her mouth!

Okay, that was fun! But now it's raining, so it's time to settle in with a book and what's left of the champagne. I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas.

Later: Photographic proof that we obeyed the Cowling rule:
Even though dinner was rice and stir-fried vegetables.
The champagne bottle is empty and the Baileys will be in about 10 minutes.