Welcome to our blog. Dan & I are hoping to use this method to keep in touch with family and friends while we're away this winter. You'll have to bear with us through the learning process - neither of us have ever done this before. If it works the way we hope it will, we'll keep you updated with our where-abouts and share pictures. We're hoping that you'll use it to keep in contact with us too. The most recent entry will always be at the top of the page, so if you're new here, scroll down to the bottom to start or use the archive list. Our apologies to anyone who found the Travelpod blog only to have it disappear on them, but this site seems easier to use and like I said - we're beginners, so the easier the better.

Random photos:

Cheryl Carse's Facebook profile

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another change of plan

Okay, I'm not gonna bother telling you what our plans are anymore - we don't follow them anyway. After checking the weather reports, which called for crap starting this afternoon and lasting for the next 3 days, we decided to stay put in Bullhead City. We've moved out of the nasty (and rather expensive) motel that we stayed in last night and into an RV Resort. Yes, really! An honest-to-goodness RV resort!
With actual streets of monster-sized motor homes.

Does Vincent look just a little out of place amongst these massive units?! And a tent? These people have only ever seen pictures of tents...

So, why are we here? Well the free internet was the main draw. We figured if we were gonna be stuck inside for 3 days, we might as well have full power for reading and access to Bubble Words. (It's a Facebook game that I'm hopelessly addicted to.)

Of course the weather has been great all day and there is no sign of the impending storm that they were threatening. We sat outside without jackets and had beers and nachos this afternoon. Oh well, we are resigned to life at Shady Acres Retirement Home for the next 3 days.