Melody is a good sport about being followed around the grocery store by the paparazzi.

This is a fun store. Chock full of furniture, knick-knacks, jewellery - you name it, they have it.

More beach time for Carl and the kids.

Last night Melody cooked up a Greek feast and Carl the bartender whipped up "Athenas". (Mojitos pretending to be a Greek classic.) Rosie provided the entertainment just by being Rosie.
Rosie Glover & Melody work together to publish a weekly on-line newspaper.

How to describe Rosie? Y'know how people say "He's a pistol" or "She's a firecracker"? That's way too lame. She's more along the lines of those Yuma Proving Ground bombs! Or maybe a volcano erupting in the middle of a hurricane!
Part Nancy Pritchard (my highest form of compliment) and part freight train! Rosie has an opinion on everything and an absolutely hilarious (and usually slightly off-colour-profanity-peppered) story to demonstrate each of them. She's smart, articulate and wickedly funny. My face was aching from laughing so much. I am in awe - how can one woman so completely fill a room? I loved her instantly! But I'm also just a little bit afraid of her. You sure wouldn't want to do anything that would put you on the wrong side of that personality!