Welcome to our blog. Dan & I are hoping to use this method to keep in touch with family and friends while we're away this winter. You'll have to bear with us through the learning process - neither of us have ever done this before. If it works the way we hope it will, we'll keep you updated with our where-abouts and share pictures. We're hoping that you'll use it to keep in contact with us too. The most recent entry will always be at the top of the page, so if you're new here, scroll down to the bottom to start or use the archive list. Our apologies to anyone who found the Travelpod blog only to have it disappear on them, but this site seems easier to use and like I said - we're beginners, so the easier the better.

Random photos:

Cheryl Carse's Facebook profile

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Photos from Lake Havasu City - finally.

Success! I cleared the cache, emptied the cookie jar, dumped the history files and "smallenized" the pictures. Dunno which one worked, but at least I can add photos again. (Albeit ever so slowly!)
This is why we came south. Sunshine, blue skies and palm trees.

I snapped this just as we were leaving the Shady Acres Retirement Home on Boxing Day. This one wins the prize for the biggest honkin' RV I've ever seen!

This is the first campsite that we stayed one night at just outside of Lake Havasu City. It's a very flattering picture actually. If I'd turned the camera in the other direction you'd see it was just a parking lot.

The only good thing about this place was easy access to the lake. (Sorry, we took the back route to the beach, so we didn't see the signs about no dogs allowed on the beach until we were leaving)
Vincent is much happier in this location: Windsor Beach

There have been some pretty spectacular sunsets.

London Bridge with palm trees. Nice!

The fancy dog park.
A cool tree in the neighborhood. No, that's not frost.
We heard some rattling outside one night and looked out the window to see this family of racoons helping themselves to Taz's kibble. They also absconded with her treat ball, an eighth of a package of the kibble & bits that goes into the treat ball, a package of watermelon scented hand wipes and an orange juice - all of which were in the tent!